For more information on the Leece Museum see Here

French Cuisine Hervé’s Way

Your members may be interested in the Chiollagh Books website which contains a range of printed material relating to the Island available for free download.

Please spread the word!

Stephen Miller

Mag. Stephen Miller
Austrian Academy of Sciences,
Centre for Cultural Research,
Sonnenfelsgasse 19/8, A-1010 Wien, Austria.
Tel. +43-1-51581-2280 Fax +43-1-51581-2339

Some of you may already be familiar with the North American Manx Association website ( - this is the "News & Views" blog posted by me. I try and update it every day. Please pass it out to members of your societies, faculties or neighborhoods. Aside from news, I try to include historical and political items and the blog is fast becoming a National?Scrapbook. If you have items you would like me to include -- pass them along!

Lesh gagh veearree vie (with good wishes)

'Nimbus' is Jon Wornham, an Air Traffic Controller at Ronaldsway,

and his site already contains some 600 photographs.